Introducing QtLocalAuthenticator
You are creating a mobile application with Qt and want to secure the access to some content? You want to use the Touch ID on iOS based devices? Then you should take 2 minutes and read on :) QtLocalAuthenticator I have created a small git repository with a Qt C++ module and a QML module around the native LocalAuthentication class [ 1 ]: What is possible: C++ and QML support setting the authentication policy: biometric and password OR just biometric setting the authentication reasion: shows a text to the user why you want to use the authentication check if the device supports the authentication policies, e.g. check if Touch ID is available How to use? Clone or download the code, open a terminal and switch to the source code location. Then, compile and install the modules: [<Path-To-Qt-Installation>/bin/]qmake make make install If you have an existing QML application, import the module: import js...