
Es werden Posts vom Februar, 2017 angezeigt.

Building QtWebKit Technology Preview 5 from Sources

Updates for the QtWebKit module were dropped by the Qt Company after switching to the Blink-/Chrome-based QtWebEngine module. After years of development, there is still a lack of features that where available in the original QtWebKit module. Because of different reasons , some guys started to update the QtWebKit module with fresh code from the WebKit repositories. What you don't expect: WebKit is really alive and has implemented a bunch of new web features . Last week, the Technical Preview 5 was released [1] . It should be compatible with any recent Qt5 version, in the following chapters you will see how to build it from source or how to use the pre-built binaries for Qt5.8. 1. Build QtWebKit TP5 from sources 1.1. download & extract QtWebKit TP5 sources The release page of QtWebKit TP5 contains the source code package for building the module by yourself. Download it  [2] . On Mac  & Linux, extract the sources and change to the directory: $ tar xf qtwebkit-t...